The Ultimate Mad Island Guide: All Items Codes

In the vast and mysterious world of Mad Island, mastering the art of item codes can make the difference between a victorious adventure and a frustrating quest. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or a newbie trying to make sense of the game’s intricate item code system, this guide has you covered. We’ve compiled an exhaustive list of item codes, along with their translations, to help you navigate and utilize the plethora of items Mad Island offers. So grab your gear, and let’s dive into the exciting world of Mad Island!

Item Codes Overview

Understanding item codes is essential for navigating Mad Island efficiently. This guide provides a comprehensive list of item codes categorized by type, along with translations in multiple languages for easy reference. Whether you’re seeking rare materials, consumables, clothing, or weapons, you’ll find all the information you need right here.

Important Note: To find the “id name” of most items in Mad Island, refer to the following file location: Steam\steamapps\common\Mad Island\Mad Island_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\catalog.json

This invaluable list was meticulously compiled by Swordlc, Bloodilicious, and Tsuman. Their hard work ensures you have the most accurate and up-to-date information at your fingertips.


Materials are the backbone of crafting and survival in Mad Island. Here’s a list of essential materials, complete with their codes and translations:

  • Bone: bone_01 (骨, Bone, 骨头)
  • Strong Bone: bone_02 (丈夫な骨, Strong Bone, 坚固的骨头)
  • Branch: branch_01 (枝, Branch, 树枝)
  • Charcoal: charcoal_01 (木炭, Charcoal, 木炭)
  • Clay: clay_01 (粘土, Clay, 粘土)
  • Diamond: diamond_01 (ダイヤモンド, Diamond, 钻石)
  • Explosive Bag: explosionbag_01 (爆発包, Explosive Bag, 爆炸包)
  • Fabric: fabric_01 (布, Fabric, 布料)
  • Feather: feather_01 (羽根, Feather, 羽毛)
  • Fiber: fiber_01 (繊維, Fiber, 纤维)
  • Glass: glass_01 (ガラス, Glass, 玻璃)
  • Gold: gold_01 (金, Gold, 黄金)
  • Gold Ingot: goldingot_01 (金インゴット, Gold Ingot, 金锭)
  • Herb: herb_01 (薬草, Herb, 草药)
  • Red Herb: herb_02 (赤薬草, Red Herb, 红草药)
  • Hide: hide_01 (皮, Hide, 兽皮)
  • Iron: iron_01 (鉄, Iron, 铁)
  • Iron Ingot: ironingot_01 (鉄インゴット, Iron Ingot, 铁锭)
  • Leaf: leaf_01 (葉, Leaf, 树叶)
  • Mysterious Liquid: liquid_01 (謎の液体, Mysterious Liquid, 神秘液体)
  • Core: orb_core_01 (コア, Core, 核心)
  • Curse Orb: orb_curse_01 (呪いのオーブ, Curse Orb, 诅咒宝珠)
  • Dead Orb: orb_dead_01 (死者のオーブ, Dead Orb, 亡者宝珠)
  • Giant Orb: orb_earth_01 (大地のオーブ, Giant Orb, 巨人宝珠)
  • Fighter Orb: orb_fighter_01 (闘士のオーブ, Fighter Orb, 战士宝珠)
  • Life Orb: orb_life_01 (生命のオーブ, Life Orb, 生命宝珠)
  • Mad Orb: orb_mad_01 (狂気のオーブ, Mad Orb, 狂气宝珠)
  • Blood Stone: ore_blood_01 (ブラッドストーン, Blood Stone, 血石)
  • Chaos Ore: ore_chaos_01 (混沌の鉱石, Chaos Ore, 混沌矿石)
  • Purple Ore: ore_purple_01 (紫の鉱石, Purple Ore, 紫矿石)
  • Rope: rope_01 (ロープ, Rope, 绳子)
  • Sand: sand_01 (砂, Sand, 沙子)
  • Sap: sap_01 (樹液, Sap, 树液)
  • Soil: soil_01 (土, Soil, 泥土)
  • Stone: stone_01 (石, Stone, 石头)
  • Titanium: titanium_01 (チタニウム, Titanium, 钛)
  • Vine: vine_01 (ツル, Vine, 藤蔓)
  • Chaos Vine: vine_02 (混沌のツル, Chaos Vine, 混沌藤蔓)
  • Wood: wood_01 (木材, Wood, 木材)
  • Hard Wood: wood_02 (丈夫な木材, Hard Wood, 坚固的木材)
  • Chaos Wood: wood_03 (混沌の木材, Chaos Wood, 混沌木材)
  • Wool: wool_01 (羊毛, Wool, 羊毛)


Consumables can be the difference between life and death in the perilous world of Mad Island. Check out the essential consumables below:

  • Berry: berry_01 (ベリー, Berry, 浆果)
  • Wonder Berry S: berry_exp_01 (不思議な実(小), Wonder Berry S, 小奇异果)
  • Wonder Berry M: berry_exp_02 (不思議な実(中), Wonder Berry M, 中奇异果)
  • Wonder Berry L: berry_exp_03 (不思議な実(大), Wonder Berry L, 大奇异果)
  • Wonder Berry G: berry_exp_04 (不思議な実(特大), Wonder Berry G, 特大奇异果)
  • Flag: flag_01 (旗, Flag, 旗帜)
  • Base Flag: flag_02 (拠点の印, Base Flag, 基地旗帜)
  • Abortion Potion: potion_abortion_01 (中絶薬, Abortion Potion, 堕胎药)
  • Rejuvenate Potion: potion_age_01 (若返り薬, Rejuvenate Potion, 返老还童药)
  • Rejuvenate Secret Potion: potion_age_02 (若返りの秘薬, Rejuvenate Secret Potion, 返老还童秘药)
  • Growing Potion: potion_grow_01 (成長薬, Growing Potion, 成长药)
  • Healthy Drink: potion_life_01 (健康ドリンク, Healthy Drink, 健康饮料)
  • Love Potion: potion_love_01 (惚れ薬, Love Potion, 爱情药水)
  • Perfume Potion: potion_perfume_01 (媚薬, Perfume Potion, 春药)
  • Sleep Powder: sleeppowder_01 (睡眠粉, Sleep Powder, 安眠粉)
  • Acorn: acorn_01 (ドングリ, Acorn, 橡子)
  • Repair Kit: repairkit_01 (修理キット, Repair Kit, 修理工具包)


Dress your character to impress with these stylish and functional clothing items:

Clothing Items


  • clothu_00 = Short Skirt – Yona
  • clothu_01 = Leaf Sticker – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_02 = Maid Skirt – Yona
  • clothu_03 = Short Pants – Yona
  • clothu_04 = Native Skirt – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_05 = Native Bikini (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_06 = Native Apron – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_08 = Reika’s Bikini (Bottom)
  • clothu_10 = Spider Skin Skirt – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_14 = Black Belt (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_16 = Sacred Robe (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_17 = Rabbit Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_18 = Cactus Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_19 = Trader Pants (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_21 = Giant Skirt
  • clothu_22 = Female Native Elite Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_23 = Native Apron – Old Woman Native, Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_24 = Natives White Clothes (Bottom) – Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_25 = Plant Kimono (Bottom) – Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_26 = Giant Bikini (Green Stripes) (Bottom) – Giant
  • clothu_27 = Giant Bikini (Black Frills) (Bottom) – Giant
  • clothu_28 = Native Fighting Uniform (Bottom) – Man, Young Man, Elder Brother Native
  • clothu_30 = Miko Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_31 = Fox Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_32 = Little Devil Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_33 = Cat Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_35 = Vine Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_36 = Reindeer Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_38 = Santa Clothes (Bottom) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • clothu_39 = Cassie’s Stockings
  • clothu_40 = Takumi’s Clothes (Bottom)
  • clothu_41 = Savage Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Large Native
  • clothu_42 = Hunter Clothes (Bottom) – Female Large Native
  • clothu_43 = Bandage Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_44 = Half Pants Swimsuit – Man, Male Native, Young Man, Elder Brother Native
  • clothu_45 = Keigo’s Pants
  • clothu_47 = Nature Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Man, Takumi, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_49 = Prison Guard Clothes (Bottom) – Man, Guard
  • clothu_50 = Flower Bikini (Bottom) – Female Native
  • clothu_51 = Exposure Bikini (Bottom) – Female Native
  • clothu_53 = Leaf Bikini (Bottom) – Native Girl
  • clothu_54 = Exposure String Bikini (Bottom) – Native Girl
  • clothu_55 = String Bikini (Bottom) – Under Ground Woman
  • clothu_56 = Leopard Bikini (Bottom) – Female Large Native
  • clothu_57 = Red Bikini (Bottom) – Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_58 = Green Bikini (Bottom) – Cassie
  • clothu_59 = Shino’s Clothes (Bottom)
  • clothu_60 = Elite Cape (Bottom) – Native Girl
  • clothu_61 = Rabbit Costume (Bottom) – Native Girl
  • clothu_63 = Worker Clothes (Bottom) – Man, Young Man
  • clothu_65 = Pumpkin Clothes (Bottom) – Yona, Native Boy, Female Native, Native Girl
  • clothu_67 = Wizard Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_68 = Cow Bikini (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_69 = Cow Costume (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native
  • clothu_70 = Prisoner Uniform (Bottom) – Yona, Female Native, Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_71 = Men’s Bikini (Leopard) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • clothu_72 = Men’s Bikini (Green) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • clothu_73 = Franken Costume (Bottom) – Man, Young Man
  • clothu_74 = Dracula Costume (Bottom) – Man, Young Man, Elder Brother Native
  • clothu_75 = Skeleton Suit (Bottom) – Man, Male Native
  • clothu_76 = Sister Costume (Bottom) – Female Large Native
  • clothu_77 = French Maid Costume (Bottom) – Giant
  • clothu_78 = Little Red Riding Hood (Bottom) – Elder Sister Native
  • clothu_79 = Nami’s Bikini (Bottom)
  • clothu_80 = Warden Clothes (Bottom) – Sally
  • clothu_81 = Men’s Bondage (Bottom) – Man, Male Native, Young Man

General Clothing Items

  • cloth_01 = Swimsuit (Plaid) – Yona
  • cloth_02 = T-Shirt – Yona
  • cloth_03 = Dress – Yona
  • cloth_04 = Baby Doll – Yona
  • cloth_05 = Swimsuit (Shell) – Yona, Female Native, Mermaid
  • cloth_06 = Swimsuit (Erotic) – Yona
  • cloth_07 = Maid Costume – Yona
  • cloth_08 = Reika’s Bikini (Tops)
  • cloth_10 = Spider Skin Shirt – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_11 = Native Sleeveless – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_12 = Native Bikini (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_13 = Native Shirt – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_14 = Black Belt (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_15 = Magic Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_16 = Sacred Robe (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_17 = Rabbit Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_18 = Cactus Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_19 = Torn Clothes – Under Ground Woman
  • cloth_20 = Rainbow Seashell Swimsuit – Yona, Female Native, Mermaid
  • cloth_21 = Giant Clothes
  • cloth_22 = Female Native Elites Clothes – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_23 = Gold Nipple Ring – Yona, Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_24 = Native White Clothes – Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_25 = Plant Kimono (Tops) – Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_26 = Giant Bikini (Green Stripes) (Tops)
  • cloth_27 = Giant Bikini (Black Frills) (Tops)
  • cloth_28 = Native Fighting Uniform (Tops) – Yona, Man, Female Native, Young Man, Elder Brother Native
  • cloth_29 = Nipple Piercing (Round Ball) – Female Native
  • cloth_30 = Miko Costume (Co-Ords) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_31 = Fox Costume (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_32 = Little Devil Costume (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_33 = Cat Costume (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_35 = Vine Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_36 = Reindeer Costume (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_37 = Female Santa Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_38 = Santa’s Clothes (Tops) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • cloth_39 = Masseuse Clothes – Cassie
  • cloth_40 = Takumi’s Clothes (Tops)
  • cloth_41 = Savage Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Large Native
  • cloth_42 = Hunter Clothes (Tops) – Female Large Native
  • cloth_43 = Bandage Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_44 = Reika’s Clothes (Tops)
  • cloth_45 = Keigo’s Shirt
  • cloth_46 = Ghost Robe – Yona, Man, Male Native, Female Native, Native Girl, Specter, Young Man
  • cloth_47 = Nature Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Man, Takumi, Female Native, Native Girl, Young Man
  • cloth_48 = White Dress – Under Ground Woman
  • cloth_49 = Prison Guard Clothes (Tops) – Man, Guard, Young Man
  • cloth_50 = Flower Bikini (Tops) – Female Native
  • cloth_51 = Exposure Bikini (Tops) – Female Native
  • cloth_52 = Dress Swimsuit (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_53 = Leaf Bikini (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_54 = Exposure String Bikini (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_55 = String Bikini (Tops) – Under Ground Woman
  • cloth_56 = Leopard Bikini (Tops) – Female Large Native
  • cloth_57 = Red Bikini (Tops) – Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_58 = Green Bikini (Tops) – Cassie
  • cloth_59 = Shino Clothes (Tops)
  • cloth_60 = Elite Cape (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_61 = Rabbit Costume (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_62 = Costume Cover (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_63 = Worker Clothes (Tops) – Man, Young Man
  • cloth_65 = Pumpkin Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Native Boy, Female Native, Native Girl
  • cloth_66 = Ghost Clothes (Tops) – Small Native, Native Boy, Native Girl
  • cloth_67 = Wizard Clothes (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_68 = Cow Bikini (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_69 = Cow Costume (Tops) – Yona, Female Native
  • cloth_70 = Prisoner Uniform (Tops) – Yona, Female Native, Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_71 = Jiangshi Costume (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_72 = Black Jiangshi Costume (Tops) – Native Girl
  • cloth_73 = Franken Costume (Tops) – Man, Young Man
  • cloth_74 = Dracula Costume (Tops) – Man, Young Man, Elder Brother Native
  • cloth_75 = Skeleton Suit (Tops) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • cloth_76 = Sister Costume (Tops) – Female Large Native
  • cloth_77 = French Maid Costume (Tops) – Giant
  • cloth_78 = Little Red Riding Hood Costume (Tops) – Elder Sister Native
  • cloth_79 = Nami’s Bikini (Tops)
  • cloth_80 = Warden Clothes (Tops) – Sally
  • cloth_81 = Men’s Bondage (Tops) – Man, Male Native, Young Man
  • cloth_100 = Riona’s Clothes


Weapons are crucial for survival and combat. Here are some key items to arm yourself with:

  • Basic Axe: basic_axe_01 (基本斧, Basic Axe, 基础斧)
  • Iron Sword: iron_sword_01 (鉄の剣, Iron Sword, 铁剑)
  • Steel Sword: steel_sword_01 (鋼の剣, Steel Sword, 钢剑)
  • Magic Staff: magic_staff_01 (魔法の杖, Magic Staff, 魔法杖)
  • Crossbow: crossbow_01 (クロスボウ, Crossbow, 弩)
  • Flame Thrower: flamethrower_01 (火炎放射器, Flame Thrower, 火焰喷射器)
  • Rocket Launcher: rocket_launcher_01 (ロケットランチャー, Rocket Launcher, 火箭发射器)


Various other items can help you in your journey or be used for special purposes:

  • Lockpick: lockpick_01 (ピッキングツール, Lockpick, 开锁工具)
  • Map: map_01 (地図, Map, 地图)
  • Compass: compass_01 (コンパス, Compass, 罗盘)
  • Fishing Rod: fishing_rod_01 (釣り竿, Fishing Rod, 钓鱼竿)
  • Tent: tent_01 (テント, Tent, 帐篷)

Tips and Tricks

  1. Utilize Item Codes Effectively: Use the item codes to quickly access items and resources you need. This can save you time and enhance your gaming experience.
  2. Crafting and Upgrading: Combine materials to craft or upgrade items. Refer to the item codes for crafting recipes to enhance your gear and abilities.
  3. Explore and Experiment: Mad Island is vast and full of secrets. Experiment with different combinations of items and codes to discover new features and hidden content.
  4. Stay Updated: The game frequently updates, so make sure to check for any changes or additions to item codes. This guide will be updated regularly to reflect new information.

Remember, the key to success lies in mastering the use of item codes and fully exploring the game’s expansive world.

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