Meme Mayhem Gifts List for Patch 0.21.42

This list includes all the available gift relics in patch 0.21.42. Each relic can be obtained through various in-game actions, such as defeating specific bosses, reaching certain milestones, or completing challenges. Some relics are tied to specific events or achievements and may require specific conditions to unlock. Below, we categorize the relics based on their type and acquisition method.

1. Gift Relics by Boss Defeats

These relics are unlocked by defeating specific bosses in the game:

  • “Chocolate”
    • Win a battle in 3 seconds.
    • Defeat BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
    • Defeated by minions 10 times.
    • Defeated by BOSS “Gymrat” (宗师).
    • Defeated by BOSS “Lizardberg” (老板).
    • Finish a game with fewer than 10 emojis in your “attacks”.
    • Finish a game with only one type of emoji in your “attacks”.
    • In-game, get the Event relic “R-18” once.
  • “Cookie”
    • Win a battle in more than 60 seconds.
    • Defeat BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
    • Defeat a battle in 4 seconds.
    • Defeated by BOSS “Pop Cat” (尸兄).
    • Defeated by BOSS “Kideo” (小夫).
    • Finish a whole game with the “Flex” emoji activated 1000 times.
    • In-game, have all 4 card rarities in your deck at the same time.
    • Reach 100 Armor in a battle.
    • Use more than 5 types of emojis in your “attacks” during a battle.
    • In-game, your “income” drops to a negative value.
    • Complete 15 battles with the Event relic “U238” to unlock Event relic “Mutation!”.
    • Participate in the “Prince of Nigeria” (秦始皇) Event and choose the “give 50 eCoin” option once.
    • Get the combo relic “Retro Window” once.
    • Play “Pre-Bandleader” (客服小祥) and reach a debt of -1200 eCoin.
    • Get the combo relic “Band” in the same game.
    • Play “Keg” (小桶) and generate 30 “illusion” in a battle.
    • On the “Home” screen, reply with 100 “crap” emojis to other players.
  • “Shiny Cookie”
    • Defeat BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
  • “Fortune Cookie”
    • Defeated with 500 eCoin unspent.
    • Finish a whole game with 3000 eCoin spent.
    • Finish a whole game with 30 relics obtained.
    • Finish a whole game with 5 relic combos completed.
    • Reach 100% Crit in a battle.
    • Reach 90% Dodge in a battle.
    • Have 10 chats in the “Messages” section.
  • “LMAO HAT”
    • Defeat BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
  • “Reroll Switch”
    • Defeat BOSS “Kideo” (小夫) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
  • “Cracked F5”
    • Defeat BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
    • Defeat BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
    • Be defeated in the first battle.
    • Be defeated with the opponent’s HP reduced to 0.
  • “Relic Remaker”
    • Defeat BOSS “Chad” (气盛) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
  • “Rewind”
    • Defeat BOSS “Mars” (蜀黍) to unlock the message, then spend “cash” to buy it.
  • “Refresh Ticket”
    • Play your first game.
  • “Trolley Switch”
    • In the “Trolley Problem” event, 10 people in total.

2. Tips for Finding Missing Gift Relics

To identify which gift relics you are missing, check your “Messages” section and compare your progress. Some of the relics are also tied to Steam achievements, so you can monitor your progress through your Steam profile.

By following the above steps and challenges, you can unlock all the available relics in patch 0.21.42. Each relic offers unique benefits, making them essential for improving your gameplay experience.

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