BitLife Guide: How to Win Casino in BitLife

Have you tried your luck repeatedly but were unable to win the casino even for a single time in BitLife? Well, don’t worry, we are here to guide you. Keep reading till the end to find the tips and tricks that actually helped people in winning every time they went to the casino in BitLife.

Entering a casino falls under the category of gambling, which is prohibited in some countries. If your character isn’t permitted to engage in gambling owing to the location of your country, you can switch to one that isn’t forbidden.

How to Win Casino in BitLife?

Playing blackjack could lead you to victory if you have skills and the right tips and tricks. This is the only game available right now in the casino. You can go to the activities tab to find the option and you will see two casinos on your screen. No matter which one you choose, the only thing you should have is enough money in order to keep trying your luck in the game.

Horse Race

When it comes to betting, horse racing game is another option that players choose. Four horses race at a time and one of them wins which is totally random, you cannot select the horse that won the previous game in the hope of winning another, so it is very hard. The good thing is that you get five times more money if your horse wins the race.

Play Blackjack

To play blackjack, you need skills, the players are given two cards at the start and both players can see one card from the opponent. When the game begins, you have to stay within the limit and that is not going over the sum of 21. If you draw a card and get the highest number under 21 then you will get the double.

Moreover, you will lose the bet upon getting the lowest number under 21. If both the players get the same number then no one gets anything and the match will start again. You will also lose the match if you go over the 21. However, if you wish to know what can you do to ensure your win then read the next heading.

Trick to winning Casino in BitLife

In Life simulation Games like BitLife, the glitch occurs often and some players use it in their favor to win the matches. Many players on Reddit confirmed that they won the game due to the glitch in BitLife so if you experience any such thing, you can start betting on any game right away. However, if you have missed the chance then don’t worry and keep reading.

In order to increase your chances to win when playing Blackjack, the trick is to stop at 16 or above. However, you can hit again if you are at 15 or less. By using this tactic, there is a good probability that your opponent will go over 21 and lose the game. As long as you use this strategy, you can keep playing and winning games until you have enough money.


Winning Casino in BitLife depends on two things, your skills and obviously on your luck. With the information shared above, we hope that you never lose the casino games again. Make sure you have enough cash on hand before you enter a casino. If you overspend and get out of cash, you will be in debt and the casino will charge you with fraud and ban you.

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