This guide lists all the locations of stealable items (cash, drugs, jewelry, decor) across all levels of Crime Scene Cleaner. Each section includes a brief description of the area. Note: This guide does not cover cassettes, secrets, or other items.
Bad Call
Hidden Apartment
- Room with the Desk Lamp: A cluttered workspace where cash and small items can be found.
- Corner with “sh1t”: $100 cash
- Drawer under desk lamp: $100 cash
- Corner with hose and statue: $100 cash
- Bathroom: A typical bathroom setting with some hidden valuables.
- Corner with statue and key: 50 decor
- Bathtub: $100 cash
Creepy Guy’s Secret Room (Technically in Courtyard)
- A dimly lit room filled with various collectibles.
- Back table on the left: $100 drugs
- Crate on the left: 700 decor
- Shelves on the right, under stereo: $400 cash
Courtyard: An outdoor space with various hiding spots.
- Under cans stacked by the red door: $100 cash
- Outdoor lockers with a baseball bat: $100 cash
- Inside first garden gate (shelf on right): $100 drugs
- First white pole with writing (look up): $100 cash
- Inside the second gate (next to the cassette): 700 drugs
- Far side (inside enclosed dumpster area on top of car part): $300 cash
Apartment: A cozy but chaotic living space with items strewn about.
- Bathroom
- On top of the Volcano book: $100 drugs
- On top of dryer: 50-ring
- Room with Fire Escape
- Top drawer under plant: 50 necklace
- Living Room
- Top drawer under Overcoming Aggression book: $200 drugs
- Underneath drawers: $100 cash
- Second drawer under the plant (left of the couch): $100 cash
- Room with Rug and Bonsai Tree
- The table in middle: $100 drugs
- Kitchen
- Top drawer on left: $100 drugs
- Back Room
- Payment: $5000 cash
- Attic – Drug Room
- Table on right: $1600 drugs
- Table on left: $900 drugs
- Back shelves (second shelf on right): $400 drugs
- Secret Area on Roof
- On table: 100 drugs, 100 ring
- Behind table: 100 ring
Total Stealable: $7050
Trial By Blood
Men’s Locker Room: A typical sports locker room, full of personal items.
- On sink: 100 ring
- Bathroom under toilet: $100 cash
- M017: 300 drugs
- M014: 100 drugs, 250 rings
- M005: 300 cash, 200 drugs
Women’s Locker Room: Similar to the men’s locker room but with different items.
- W018: 700 drugs, 200 cash, 300 necklace
- W024: 100 drugs, 100 necklace
- W006: $100 cash
- W009: $100 cash
- W042: 300 cash, 100 drugs
- Bench under towel: $100 cash
- Toilet: 100 ring
Pool Office: A small office adjacent to the pool area.
- Under lockers: $100 cash
- Left side of desk: $100 cash
- Nail bins (right bin on second shelf): $300 cash
Pool: A recreational area with some hidden gems.
- Side near liquor: 300 necklace
Tanning Bed Room: A private space for relaxation.
- Closed bed on right: $300 cash
VIP Room: An exclusive area filled with luxury items.
- Statues on pedestals: 600 decor
- On stand with lion statue: $600 cash
- On table: $1300 cash, 200 drugs
- On floor behind left chair: $100 cash
Total Stealable: $7450
Toxic Love
Ground Floor
- Entryway: The main entrance where visitors first arrive.
- Table with flowers: $100 drugs
- Kitchen / Dining: A busy area for meal prep.
- Middle drawer under knives: $100 cash
- Living Room: A cozy gathering place with hidden valuables.
- Behind pillows: 300 cash, 100 drugs
- Laundry Room: A typical utility space with some surprises.
- Inside dryer: $100 cash
- Top of dryer: 100 necklace, 50 ring
- On cabinets: 50 decor, 300 cash
- On plastic container with hammer: $100 cash
Hidden Room Behind Painting: A secret space concealed by art.
- On crates to the left: 300 decor
- On comfy chair: 300 cash
- Under table between chairs: 100 drugs
- Right file cabinet (third drawer down): $100 cash
- Credenza next to comfy chair: 50 decor, 100 drugs
- Outside safe behind painting: 100 ring
- Inside safe: 1700 cash, 700 drugs
First Floor
- Bedroom: A personal space with various items.
- Dresser with wine: 200 rings, 100 necklace
- Left nightstand: 100 drugs
- Right nightstand: 100 necklace
- Upstairs Office: A workspace with potential loot.
- Displaced drawers (top left): $600 cash
- End table with cacti: 300 cash
- Bookshelves: 100 decor
- 2nd Floor Bathroom: A private bathroom with a few hidden treasures.
- Dresser: 500 drugs
- Table with plants: 100 ring
Total Stealable: $6850
Short Circuit
Entryway: The initial area where the scene is set.
- On history book next to body bin: $100 cash
First Floor
- Bedroom 1: A personal sleeping space filled with potential finds.
- Desk: 50 decor
- Corner on top of crate: 300 decor
- Bookshelf: 100 drugs
- Under boxes beside bookshelf: 300 drugs
- Office: A work area that hides some treasures.
- Bookshelf near desk: 50 ring
- Shelf near door: 50 decor
- Shelf in corner: 100 decor
- Chest near file cabinets: 50 decor
- Shelves with radio: 300 cash, 150 decor
- File cabinet near desk (bottom drawer): 100 cash
- File cabinets next to couch (second from left cabinet, bottom drawer): 100 cash
- Left cabinet (second drawer from bottom): 100 decor
Storage Room: A packed area filled with supplies.
- Right locker: $100 cash (under all the junk)
- Storage cabinet next to speaker: 100 decor
Bedroom 2: Another sleeping area with items to discover.
- Drawers closer to door (middle drawer on left): 50 ring
- Drawers by bed (top of drawers): 100 necklace
Secret Room: A hidden area containing valuable finds.
- On table: 300 necklace, 1300 cash
Ground Floor
- Bathroom: A standard bathroom with some hidden treasures.
- On sink: 100 ring
- Main Room: A large communal space with various items.
- On table with Bible: 200 rings
- Shelf next to table: 50 decor
- On desk: 50 decor
- Secret room behind fridge: 600 decor
- Cat Room: A quirky area with a feline touch.
- Top left drawer under TV: 300 cash
- On top of drawers under TV: 300 decor
- On top of drawers next to cat tree: 300 decor
- Inside cat tree: 300 cash
- Shelves with bar: 300 decor
Total Stealable: $6300