Crime Scene Cleaner Walkthrough

Welcome to an immersive guide designed to help you navigate the intricate layers of mystery within the game. Here, you will discover detailed pathways to uncover all essential clues, bodies, secrets, and objects across various engaging scenarios. Should you face any challenges or have additional insights to share, don’t hesitate to comment; I’ll be sure to enhance this guide with your contributions!

Crime Scene Cleaner Walkthrough

Scenario 1: Wrong Decision

Clues (8)

  1. Phone on the Floor: A crucial piece of evidence lying carelessly on the floor, hinting at a sudden disruption.
  2. Phone on the Dresser: Another phone, this time perched on a dresser, suggesting someone was caught off guard.
  3. Knife in the Back: A shocking clue that reveals the violent nature of the incident—a knife embedded in a victim’s back.
  4. Notebook on the Window: This notebook, resting near a window in the room with the lifeless body, could hold valuable insights.
  5. Money in the Attic Room: Stashed away in the attic, this money may indicate deeper motives at play.
  6. Photos on the Stand: A collection of pictures on a nearby stand, each telling a past story, might offer context to the events.
  7. Camera in the Attic: A camera tucked away in the attic could have captured pivotal moments, revealing hidden truths.
  8. Document in the Room with the Camera: A critical document located in the same room as the camera, possibly containing vital information.

Bodies (3)

  1. Body with a Knife: The first body, gruesomely discovered with a knife, illustrates the tragic climax of this scenario.
  2. Body in the Room with Money: This body found near hidden money raises questions about greed and desperation.
  3. Body in the Attic: A chilling discovery in the attic, this body adds a layer of mystery and urgency to your investigation.


  1. Secret #1: Upon entering the building, resist the urge to rush upstairs. Explore the second floor and head straight to the bathroom on your right; you’ll find a hidden key that opens new doors.
  2. Secret #2: After uncovering the first secret, venture towards the iron fence. Here, you will discover a key that unlocks the iron gate, leading you further into the mystery.
  3. Secret #3: The third floor holds its own secrets; access it through the main entrance and be cautious as you climb through a window to uncover what lies within.


  • Bathroom Items: Don’t overlook the myriad of items available in the bathroom that could assist you in your journey.
  • Hall Items: A thorough examination of the hall could reveal hidden treasures essential for your quest.
  • Kitchen Items: The kitchen, often bustling with life, now holds remnants that may shed light on the story.
  • Attic Items: Dive into the attic, particularly the second room, where forgotten objects await discovery.
  • Retrieve Money Behind the Truck: A clever use of a box will allow you to reach money hidden on a high shelf behind the truck—don’t miss this opportunity!

Scenario 2: Blood Trial

Clues (8)

  1. Phone by the Pool: This phone, resting by the pool, hints at the chaotic moments that preceded the tragedy.
  2. Gun in the Pool: A stark reminder of violence, the gun submerged in water tells a story of desperation and conflict.
  3. Phone in the Solarium: Another phone, this one located in the solarium, suggests that someone was trying to reach out for help.
  4. Pizza Knife in the Right Room: A pizza knife found in an unexpected location raises questions about its involvement in the unfolding drama.
  5. Three Clues in Different Lockers: These three clues, carefully hidden away in lockers, could be the keys to unraveling this dark mystery.

Bodies (5)

  1. Two Bodies in the Main Hall by the Pool: A chilling scene, these two bodies provide critical insights into the events that transpired.
  2. Two Bodies in the Sauna: The sauna, often a place of relaxation, now serves as a grim backdrop for two lost lives.
  3. One Body in the Solarium: This solitary body in the solarium adds a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative.


  1. Secret #1: After gathering all the cards and unlocking the lockers, use your VIP card to access the pool area—look for open doors revealing hidden paths.
  2. Secret #2: Once you’ve opened all the lockers, you will find a second secret waiting to be discovered, providing further clues to the mystery.


  • Collect Everything from the Lockers: Ensure you explore each locker thoroughly, as they may contain crucial items that aid in your investigation.
  • Inspect the Secret Room Carefully: The secret room could be a treasure trove of information, so examine every corner for overlooked items.

Scenario 3: Toxic Love

Clues (7)

First Floor:

  1. Phone in the Kitchen: A phone lies abandoned in the kitchen, a reminder of a hasty departure or a crucial call missed.
  2. Brass Knuckles in the Hall: Found in the hall, these brass knuckles suggest that conflict was close at hand.
  3. Notebook in the Secret Room: A hidden notebook tucked away in a secret room might hold intimate details or dark secrets.

Second Floor: 4. Phone on the Bridge: This phone, found on the bridge, signifies a connection to the outside world that may have been severed too soon. 5. Gun on the Floor: A gun carelessly left on the floor highlights the danger that loomed over this environment. 6. Blades by the Bathtub: A chilling find, blades near the bathtub provoke questions about their purpose. 7. Note on the Table: A note resting on the table could provide critical context to the unfolding events.

Bodies (3)

  1. Body in the Kitchen: The first body, discovered in the kitchen, adds a haunting element to this already tense scenario.
  2. Body on the Bridge: This body found on the bridge connects two worlds and reveals a tragic narrative.
  3. Body in the Secret Room: The last body, hidden away in the secret room, deepens the mystery and urgency of your investigation.


  • Behind the painting on the first floor, you’ll discover a corridor leading to a hidden area, complete with a chair and a button to activate its mysteries.


  • Lights On: Most items are best seen when the lights are on. Make sure to illuminate the first-floor room to uncover all possible loot.

Scenario 4: Short Circuit

Clues (11)

First Floor:

  1. Remove the Noisy Speakers: Start by eliminating distractions; these speakers might just hold a clue.
  2. Key on the Second Floor: A key can be found in the last room of the hallway on the second floor, waiting to unlock new discoveries.
  3. Closet in the Room with the TV: A closet in the TV room might contain hidden items, so don’t hesitate to check it.

Second Floor: 4. Under the Boxes Near the Stairs: Look closely under the boxes right after the stairs; secrets might be lurking in the shadows. 5. Closet in the Left Room: This closet, located immediately after the stairs, could hold critical evidence. 6. Phone in the Hall: A phone found in the hall is yet another reminder of the chaos that unfolded. 7. Knife in the Hall: This knife, lying carelessly in the hall, indicates that danger was ever-present. 8. Shotgun Under the Chair: An easily overlooked shotgun, hidden under a chair, can change the course of your investigation.

Bodies (3)

  1. In the Hall on the First Floor: A body in the hall is a stark reminder of the violence that transpired.
  2. In the Second-Floor Rooms: Check each room carefully, as bodies may provide vital clues to the story.


  1. Secret #1: In the hall, behind the fridge, lies a hidden door waiting to be discovered.
  2. Secret #2: On the second floor, adjust a lamp and turn left to uncover another hidden path.


  • Interesting Items on the Second Floor: In the last room, there’s loot waiting to be uncovered; use a lamp to illuminate hidden treasures.

Scenario 5: Italian Job

Clues (10)

  1. Kitchen and Hall Clues: Start your investigation in the kitchen and hall, where key clues may be tucked away.
  2. Key from the Oven: Don’t forget to retrieve the vital key hidden inside the oven; it will lead you to the freezer.
  3. Three Clues in the Freezer: The freezer holds three crucial clues that are essential to solving this mystery.
  4. Clue in the Bathroom: Be sure to check the bathroom; it may have more than just personal items.
  5. Clue in the Office: The office holds secrets waiting to be uncovered, so make sure to investigate thoroughly.
  6. Clue Outside Near the Girl’s Body: A clue found outside adds a layer of complexity and urgency to your quest.

Bodies (11)

  • Visible Bodies Throughout the Scenario: Pay close attention as you navigate the environment; bodies are spread throughout, each telling a story.


  1. Secret #1: Check the left side of the girl’s body in the alley; there may be a hidden spot that could reveal secrets.
  2. Secret #2: Use the kitchen key to open a hatch in the office, uncovering even more mysteries.
  3. Secret #3: Explore the hallway behind the grandmother’s window for hidden money, enriching your investigation.


  • Grandmother’s Cupboard: Don’t miss the chance to open her cupboard and check beneath her chair; a ring could provide a crucial link to the narrative.

Scenario 6: Romance with Death

Clues (10)

  1. Clue Near the Drained Pool Area: Begin your search in the eerie setting of a drained pool, where remnants of the past linger.
  2. Clue in the First-Floor Bedroom: The first-floor bedroom may hold secrets waiting to be discovered, so examine it closely.
  3. Six Clues in the Basement: The basement harbors a trove of six clues, each integral to piecing together the puzzle.
  4. Clues on the Second Floor: Don’t overlook the second floor; it too holds significant information that could change your understanding of the scenario.

Bodies (5)

  1. Two Bodies Outside: The scene outside reveals two bodies, each holding clues about the circumstances surrounding their demise.
  2. Body Falls from the Second-Floor Doors: A shocking moment occurs when a body drops from the second-floor doors, adding to the urgency of your investigation.
  3. One Body on Each Floor: Be thorough as you explore; bodies are scattered throughout both floors, each telling a part of the story.


  1. Secret #1: A key hidden in the toilet of the second-floor bathroom could be your ticket to uncovering more mysteries.
  2. Secret #2: Clear away boxes in the basement to reveal hidden cash that could assist in your investigation.
  3. Secret #3: Venture to the basketball court across from the house to discover a hidden path, broadening your exploration.


  • Shiny Items on Shelves: Keep your eyes peeled for shiny objects on shelves; they could be more than mere decorations.

Scenario 7: Friendly Fire

Clues (2)

  1. Phones in the Hall and Recording Studio: These two phones, located in pivotal areas, could hold messages that reveal key information about the events.

Bodies (5)

  • Refer to Screenshots for Body Locations: A visual guide will assist you in pinpointing the locations of bodies, each adding a layer to the narrative.


  1. In the Kitchen: The kitchen holds musical clues that may enhance your understanding of the atmosphere.
  2. In the Studio: The recording studio provides another auditory layer, enriching the overall experience.


  1. Secret #1: Check inside the bathroom ventilation for hidden items that could provide unexpected clues.
  2. Secret #2: Move along the wall near the projector to unveil a hidden door, opening up new pathways in your investigation.

Scenario 8: The Party’s Over

Clues (10)

  1. Street Clues: Begin your journey on the street where clues are scattered, hinting at the chaos that ensued.
  2. Behind the Pickup Truck: Investigate behind the pickup truck, where hidden details may come to light.
  3. In Small Houses: Don’t overlook the small houses—each might house vital information waiting to be discovered.
  4. Nearby Phone: A phone found nearby could provide crucial communication threads to the unfolding drama.
  5. Clue in the Main House: The main house itself is a treasure trove of clues, just waiting for a keen eye to uncover them.

Bodies (9)

  • Body Locations Available in Screenshots: Use the provided visuals to pinpoint where bodies can be found, each telling a unique story.


  1. In a Small House: Music may waft from one of the small houses, adding depth to the atmosphere.
  2. In the Secret Area: Keep an ear out for melodies in hidden areas, enriching your overall experience.


  1. Secret #1: Discover a hidden area in the far-right small house, where surprises await.
  2. Secret #2: Crawl through bushes on the left side of the small houses to reveal hidden pathways leading to more discoveries.

Scenario 9: Modern Art

Clues (10)

  1. Central Exhibition Clues: The central exhibition holds the first set of clues, each designed to draw you deeper into the narrative.
  2. Cafeteria Clues: Venture into the cafeteria, where overlooked details may provide vital context.
  3. Northern Exhibition Clues: Explore the northern exhibition for clues that are integral to the story.
  4. Access via Stairs in the Room with Ducks: Use the stairs in the whimsical room with ducks to uncover more secrets.
  5. Western Wing Clues: Don’t forget to investigate the western wing, where hidden clues may reside.

Bodies (10)

  1. Found Throughout the Second Floor and Maze: Navigate the second floor and maze carefully, as bodies are scattered throughout, each telling its own tale.


  1. In the Second Room on the Right After Loading: Aural cues in the second room will enhance your experience and immersion.
  2. Found After a Secret: Listen for music that emerges after uncovering secrets, adding layers to the atmosphere.


  1. Set Colors to Open a Door: Engage with the environment by setting colors to reveal a hidden door, furthering your exploration.
  2. Golden Cassette: In the room filled with cassettes, seek out a golden cassette; this treasure unlocks new pathways and opportunities.

Scenario 10: Playing Dead

Clues (12)

  1. Clue Near the Generator: Begin your search in the dim light near the generator, where the first clue awaits discovery.
  2. In a Confined Space Behind Windows: Look carefully in confined spaces; there may be clues waiting just out of sight.
  3. In the Office on the Second Level: The office on the second level holds secrets that could change everything you think you know.
  4. Near the Industrial Magnet: Closer inspection near the industrial magnet may reveal hidden items crucial to your investigation.

Bodies (13)

  • Body Locations Detailed in Screenshots: Use visuals to locate bodies; each one adds a significant piece to the unfolding mystery.


  1. In the Secret Room Near the Generator: Keep an ear out for music in the secret room; it enhances the overall atmosphere.
  2. Various Locations in the Office and Containers: Music in the office and various containers will enrich your investigation experience.


  1. Secret #1: Look behind a panel in the generator room for a hidden door that could unveil crucial information.
  2. Secret #2: Collect keys from various locations to unlock new pathways and secrets throughout the scenario.
  3. Secret #3: Discover a hidden compartment near the industrial magnet, broadening your exploration and providing vital clues.


  • Spread Throughout the Scenario: Key items are scattered throughout the environment, especially near the industrial magnet, so explore thoroughly!

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