Mad Island: Quick Simple Cheats Extra Fun mode

Unlock new gameplay possibilities by using the following commands in the game chat (press ‘Enter’ to open it). Replace x/# with your desired number to activate the command.

General Commands

  • /mapopen: Remove fog. Note: You need to do this every time you load your save.
  • /change: Switch between male and female main characters.
  • /life x: Heal your HP (customizable).
  • /point +10k: Gain 10,000 status points and 100 skill points.
  • /exp x: Add experience points.
  • /testitems: Add all items on the ground near the campsite.
  • /atk x: Change your attack stat to x.
  • /collectall: Gather all collectible items.
  • /regen: Regenerate resources (may not work currently).
  • /friend x: Summon a friend with ID x.
  • /allpreg: Get all friends pregnant.
  • /body x y: Spawn y dead bodies of monster type x.
  • /weather [number]: Change the weather.
  • /night, /dawn, /eve, /noon: Change the time of day.
  • /ass: Start the assault.
  • /assend: End the assault.
  • /fix: Repair houses.
  • /foodpoison [0-100]: Inflict food poisoning with a percentage.
  • /inclove: Increase lovers’ love by +100.
  • /declove: Decrease lovers’ love by -100.
  • /allage: Randomize the age of all characters.
  • /makevill: Add 30 random NPCs.
  • /allpreg: Make everyone pregnant.

Resource Commands

(Still being updated)

  • /get wood_01 99: Add 99 wood.
  • /get iron_01 99: Add 99 iron.
  • /get repairkit_01 99: Add 99 repair kits.
  • /get mushroom_01 (Quantity): Add red mushrooms.
  • /get mushroom_02 (Quantity): Add white mushrooms.
  • /get mushroom_03 (Quantity): Add green mushrooms.
  • /get mushroom_04 (Quantity): Add purple mushrooms.

NPC Commands

  • /NPC #: Spawn a neutral NPC with random parameters of type #.
  • /Friend #: Spawn a friendly NPC with random parameters of type #.
  • /Body #: Spawn a corpse of NPC with random parameters of type #.
  • /petmax: Max out taming level for all captured NPCs.

Example NPC IDs:

  • 015: Neutral Woman
  • 016: Loli
  • 019: Old Woman
  • 042: Female Mummy
  • 110: Giant (can only kill her)
  • 111: Merchant

Other NPC IDs:

  • 113: Laboratory Girl (can have relations)
  • 114: Girl with large chest (can have relations)
  • 25: Bigfoot (Boss)
  • 35: Werewolf (Boss)

Clothing Commands

  • /get clothu_01 to /get clothu_81: Get clothing items.
  • /get cloth_01 to /get cloth_100: Get tops.

Movement Commands

  • /atk #: Adjust your attack bonus.
  • /run #: Adjust your run speed.
  • /WP N: Teleport to a predefined waypoint (e.g., Base, Mermaid, Giant).
  • /TP #: Teleport to the center of a specific map cell (1 is bottom left, 399 is top right).

Note: Some NPC relation codes may not work. If you have information, please share!

Credit for this guide goes to Flare22+

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